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Though milk is classed as a healthy food, rich in calcium and vitamins, it can cause health problems in some people. An intolerance to milk may lead to a number of side effects, such as migraine and an inability to shed those extra kilos.

People can develop intolerances to any number of foods. Food intolerances are invisible to our senses. Many people have remained oblivious to food intolerances until they have had a comprehensive type III IGG allergy (food intolerance) test. The test has informed them as to which foods they should exclude from their diets and which foods they should eat in moderation.

Allergies are characterised by the presence of IgE antibodies, which are responsible for immediate, often severe reactions, for example, an allergy to peanuts.

Intolerances are characterised by the presence of Type III IgG antibodies. The reactions to an intolerance can occur from between 8 and 72 hours after consumption of the offending food or additive and so are more difficult to pinpoint.

Food intolerances should not be confused with classic food allergies. An allergy is a defence reaction by the body to a substance which enters it; the substance may be completely harmless. Typical characteristics of allergies are as follows

- Swelling of the lips

- Difficulty breathing

- Sneezing attacks

- Rashes

The reaction normally occurs a short time after consumption of the offending food, it is therefore easily recognized as the culprit. Classic food allergies are relatively rare and only affect a small percentage of the population.

The IgG blood test is not designed to detect such allergies. It is designed to detect Type III IgG allergies or food intolerances, which generally do not present until between 8 and 72 hours after the offending food has been eaten.

This makes it very difficult to pinpoint which food is the culprit. Food intolerances occur more frequently than classic allergies and often develop over time. It is also possible for food intolerances to be passed onto a new born child through the mother. If tomatoes, for example, are eaten by a person with an intolerance to them, the immune system becomes stressed, the metabolism is affected, resulting in health problems.

The IgG test can detect whether a food intolerance is present. It is possible to have a Type III IgG allergy or intolerance to certain foods and additives without your knowledge; you may be experiencing any one of a number of symptoms, whilst remaining totally oblivious to the cause.

How do Food Intolerances Develop?

The immune system is a mechanism for preventing infections in the body, which are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. In the case of food intolerances, the offending food causes a defense reaction by the immune system. If the food continues to be eaten the defense reaction may become more severe, resulting in poor health.

Scientists believe that there is a direct link between food intolerances and a number of health problems.

For example: RESPIRATORY Respiratory problems, rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, sore throat. GASTRO-INTESTINAL Vomiting, bloating, cramps, nausea, feelings of fullness, constipation, diarrhoea, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems, crohns disease, coeliac. SKIN Eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, redness, dry skin. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Migraine, headache, vertigo, trouble concentrating, depression, hyperactivity. ARTHRITIC CONDITIONS Arthritis, muscle pain, weakness, fibromyalgia, cramps. EYES Dry eyes, watery eyes, redness, puffy eyelids. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Diabetes type I, diabetes type II, thyroid problems. CARDIOVASCULAR Arterial hypertension. WEIGHT Weight gain, obesity, weight loss.


Food intolerances are something that I see frequently in pharmacy from the very young to the old. What is happening when you have a food intolerance is inflammation of the intestinal lining, which creates a poor environment for absorption of nutrients. Thus resulting in nutritional deficiencies, poor immune function and predisposition to stress. When one is under stress they also become less tolerant to foods that cause inflammation. So it can become a vicious cycle. See Adrenals, Low Stress Diet

To improve your health there are a few steps you need to do.

  1. Remove the offending food or foods. See Allergy Elimination Diet
  2. Heal the digestive tract. Clinicians Digest Repair
  3. Replace beneficial bacteria. Inner health Plus, Nature's Way Primadophilus Reuteri Caps.
  4. Omega 3 supplementation, to reduce inflammation.
  5. Replace Vitamins and Minerals.
  6. Reduce or minimise stress.

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