Otitis Media is inflammation of the middle ear. There are two types of otitis media. The first type is the classic acute ear infection. This is diagnosed when there is fluid in the middle ear. This is accompanied by pain, bulging of the ear drum, or drainage of pus. The second type is otitis media with effusion where there is fluid in the middle ear without signs or symptoms of an ear infection. This is a chronic condition that may be persisting for months. During this time the fluid in the ear makes it difficult to hear.
Acute ear infections are typically treated with antibiotics, although such infections usually run their course without treatment. A controversial treatment is the placing of grommets in the ear of the child for chronic ear infections. The purpose of inserting a plastic tube is to allow the pressure to equilibrate on both sides of the eardrum and allow drainage of fluid. This in turn improves hearing and preventing problems with speech development and learning. However, putting a hole in the eardrum also provides an avenue through which bacteria can enter the middle ear. Also, resent evidence shows that the improvement of hearing lasts only 6 months.
Food allergy/intolerance
There is now overwhelming evidence to the role of food allergies or intolerances in the cause of reoccurring ear infections. With food intolerance you may begin to see the occurrence of ear infections starting at the time the mother changes from breast to formula feeding, particularly cow or soy formulas or the introduction of solids into the diet they may contain the allergy causing food. Symptoms may be the reoccurrence of ear infections alone but others may also suffer from eczema, asthma, tonsilitis, hay fever, colic, reflux or an impaired immune system. Often children with food allergies have dark circles under the both eyes, as well as 'Dennie's lines' (tiny horizontal creases) in both lower eyelids and small bumps scattered over the backs of their upper arms. Doctors who maintain that food allergy is not a scientifically documented cause of ear infections have not been keeping up to date with the medical literature. The relationship between food allergy and ear infections was reported as early as 1942. Italian researchers have provided evidence that allergy causes the Eustachian tubes to swell, thereby blocking the outflow of fluid from the middle ear.
As many as 75% of children will see a marked improvement after the offending foods are identified and removed form the diet. The most common offending foods are sugar, dairy products, wheat, corn, egg, citrus fruits and chocolate. Upon the removal for the allergy causing food, improvement of symptoms can be seen within 3 weeks in most cases.
For more information, see Food Allergies and Your Health, Food Intolerance or Allergy? Food Intolerance test
Effects of Sugar
Diet and nutrition are vitally important for treating infection. Nutritional Doctors have observed that restricting or eliminating refined sugar from the diet often reduces the incidence of ear infections. In a study of healthy young adults who drank one cola drink a 50% reduction of the ability of the white blood cells to engulf bacteria occurred. This occurred within 45 minutes of ingesting the drink. Studies show the decline in the immune function was greatest about 2 hours after ingestion of the sugar and it lasted for at least 5 hours. Some children are more sensitive than others to the effects of sugar. Not only does sugar weaken the immune system it also depletes nutrients that the body needs to support a health immune system.
Nutritional Supplements ( see boosting children's immune system )
Vitamin C is particularly useful in stimulating the immune system and also has an antihistamine affect. Zinc and vitamin A have been shown to enhance immune function.
Children with recurrent ear infections are likely to have nutritional deficiencies. Having to continually fight infections and allergic reactions puts added stress on the child's nutritional status. Additionally if there are food intolerances and ingesting of the allergic foods will cause damage to the stomach and small intestine, which results in reduced absorption of vitamins and minerals. So a multivitamin supplement is a good idea.
Omega 3 (Fish oils)
Omega 3 is converted to DHA and EPA. Omega 3 has many beneficial effects to ones health. Omega 3 reduces inflammation, enhances immune functions, beneficial for brain health, heart health, skin health. For more information see omega research.
Ref The patient's book of Natural Healing. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Alan R. Gaby, M.D.