UTI - Natural Treatments
UROFEM D-Mannose 1000mg 50tabs
Sale $47.00 $34.99
Can Clear Potentially Harmful Bladder & Urinary Tract Bacteria
The health of your bladder and urinary tract depends mainly on effectively deterring certain bacteria from adhering from the lining of the bladder. A buildup of bacteria causes bladder and urinary tract (UT) imbalances. Many women may be able to feel when a UT imbalance is occurring or coming.
UroFem D-mannose is a naturally occurring carbohydrate that naturally deters harmful bacteria from adhering to the bladder and urinary tract walls resulting in the natural removal of bacteria.
UroFem is Non-Antibiotic, Naturally Acting & Available Without Prescription From Your Pharmacy
Taking UroFem daily has been scientifically shown to help deter harmful bacteria from adhering to your bladder and urinary tract [1
- Active Ingredients
- Dosage